September 26, 2024

Who not What

“If you reach the end of your rope – go to the knot and hang on” The book of cowboy wisdom.  

“If you reach the end of your rope – go to the knot and hang on” The book of cowboy wisdom.  

I’m reading devotionally through the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. Their first few months in the desert were a series of high highs and low lows as far as their experience of God was concerned.  

-Their abject terror at the edge of the sea turned to incredulity as they walked across on dry ground.

-First no water, then bitter water – ‘we’re all going to die out here!!’ And then water made sweet.

-In the second month – there’s no meat and no food!  Grumble and complain and in the twilight God provides quail and in the morning – and for years after – provides manna.

-At Rephidim, once more there is no water – it’s a desert after all – but as Moses strikes the rock there is suddenly enough water for them all.

-Oh, but right after that the Amalekites attack!  But as Moses lifts his hands they are delivered.  

Back and forth, up and down – this was the experience of Israel – and isn’t it our experience as well.  It seems that the Christian life is a real one – troubles mixed in with provision, inner peace and sometimes miraculous deliverance.  Just look at the biblical lives of Joseph, Paul, Abraham, Daniel, Peter, Jesus’ mother Mary, Esther, Hezekiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel.

What is your current situation? Need or provision? What will God do – will he deliver you or will you walk through the valley of the shadow of death with Him at your side? Our challenge is to move beyond seeing God as a good luck charm and finding Him enough for whatever we go through.  We don’t have faith because of what He gives us (even though He gives us so much), but because of who He is.  We make a decision to trust the One who loves us and has our ultimate best in mind.

Check out the song below which reminds us of these truths:

Just a reminder about the viewing of the Jesus Revolution at the church this Sunday at 2:30. This is a powerful account of God at work in the hippie generation of the 70’s. Plan to attend and open your heart to what the Lord wants to say to you.

Pastor Leon Throness

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