Young Adult's Ministry

What is our Young Adult's Ministry?
Our Young Adults group meets on Sundays after the service. We’ll hangout and enjoy a meal at The Grill, and then we’ll move into the Young Adults Lounge around 12pm for a Bible study!

Young Adult's Ministry & programs
Young Adults
This ministry is for recent high school grads, college students, recent college grads, and young adults beginning their first job or career.

Why join our Young Adult's Ministry?
We offer a place that is centred around genuine friendships, real conversation, the integration of everyday life with faith, and encouraging each other in the walk of faith.
Our Young Adult's Ministry is a space to explore what it means to be a disciple of Christ and what it means to be part of the church. We believe each person to be a valuable piece of the big picture put forward by God and His church in the world.
Join us as we try to understand what this means and how we can fulfill our roles, now and in the future.