October 16, 2024

What Next?

Mark 16:19,20 19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 They went out and proclaimed everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through the accompanying signs.

Mark 16:19,20 19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 They went out and proclaimed everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through the accompanying signs.

I wanted to take this opportunity to ask the question what next?  What is next in your life and walk with Jesus regardless of whether you are new to Jesus or have walked with Him for a long time.  Whether you watched the movie or not, do you want to be a part of the next Jesus Revolution? For me personally, after viewing the movie “Jesus Revolution” I felt a stirring in my spirit to ask “What next for me Jesus?” and m acting on it as I sense my Beloved’s leading.

Often times a movie, sermon, conference, concert or event can stir something inside of us.  Something that invites us to move, change our direction, change our attitude, have some sort of call to action.  We all have a choice to respond yes, or simply wait and hope the feeling to respond will pass.  If nothing changes…. nothing changes…not in our personal life, not in our personal relationship with God and not in living out our vocation and reaching a lost world.

Ask yourself, honestly, is my faith only about going to church, studying my bible, avoiding sin, living in my comfortable lane or is my Beloved asking more from me?  I would encourage you to just sit with that question and reflect, listen with your heart to the One who loves your soul.  What is He whispering to those deep places, what is the invitation He is speaking to your heart, His purpose for your life?  It is never too late to embark on that journey with Him my friends, no matter your age or stage of life.

Think of how Jesus took a band of societal misfits who locked had themselves away from the culture and the world out of fear and doubt after His crucifixion and the ways they were transformed to change the world.  As they encountered His transformative love post resurrection, they moved out of their isolation, their fear diminished and through His loving acts and encounters with them, they in turn were able to become His loving presence or representation in the world, to become His living breathing body just like Lonnie in the Jesus Revolution Movie. Just like Greg Laurie, whose life that was going nowhere.  Greg initially stepped cautiously, then as he encountered God’s transformative love for him, whole heartily leapt into all God had for him and because of that movement, or acceptance of the prompting of the Holy Spirit, many, many lives have been transformed through the ministry he continues to lead.

As each of us encounter Jesus and His love for us, we too can be transformed, taken out of our isolation, our fears set aside, and step into our vocation to be His Loving presence in our world to those who are lost, “doing everything and everyone” to find meaning and purpose in their lives.  As we encounter His extravagant, unmerited love for us we are set free to be His Church, free from our fears and doubts so we can begin to live our lives for others and in turn, love the “outcasts”, introducing them to the One who loves their soul, who has a good plan and purpose for their lives.  One in which they would find life and find the abundance of it, not as the world gives but something much more.

Jesus intends His love to set us free and to make each one of us a part of the Jesus Revolution. As Jesus’s love is the reason that motivates us to follow Him in the Jesus Revolution, the invitation to step out is the action required to be set free and live out this call in our lives.

Our prayer and intent through Encounter Ministry, is to create and hold sacred spaces for you to encounter and celebrate that Jesus is the love that the world so desperately longs for to free it from hatred, fear, sin and isolation. Through those encounters we would be able to learn to trust Him to roll the stone away from our hearts to set us free to live the life of discipleship to which we are called. The Jesus Revolution that the world so desperately needs begins with each of us accepting God’s love for us and allowing it to set us free to follow Christ.   In this freedom, we are to be sent into the world, like the first disciples to help transform it and free it of hatred and sin, as His disciples.  Whether you watched the movie or not, do you want to be a part of the next Jesus Revolution?

I leave you with this quote from Greg Laurie from His book “After Jesus Revolution: Your Role in the next great Spiritual Awakening. Sow.  Water.  Reap”: “God wants to use you! You may think, ‘Let the preachers do this preaching stuff. That’s the job of the professionals. I’m just an ordinary person.’ But those who know you know that you are a believer. You can reach them. Those are the people God has called you to right now. He wants you to be part of what he is doing.” – Greg Laurie

Remember, if nothing changes, well…, nothing changes… fondly, Melody

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