The Encounter worth all others
“…my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel” Luke 2:30-32.

The Old Testament has so many prophecies concerning the Promised One, the Consolation of Israel, the Messiah – the Christ.

For both Simeon and Anna, this was the lifetime Encounter they had looked for, for so long.
“…my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel” Luke 2:30-32.
First let me say a Merry Christmas to all of you and thanks for your cards and expressions of love over Christmas. I hope this has been a wonderful season for you too.
The Old Testament has so many prophecies concerning the Promised One, the Consolation of Israel, the Messiah – the Christ. Imagine what it was like for godly prophets to speak and write these words from God but not to know the details or to realize that they would not be alive when these prophecies were fulfilled! Peter tells us that they searched intently and with the greatest care to find out the time and circumstances that the Christ would come. It was revealed to them that they were serving us rather than themselves (I Peter 1:10-12). In fact, after Jesus was raised from the dead and spoke with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, he explained how the Old Testament spoke about himself (Luke 24:25-27). Wouldn’t you have loved to be a fly on the wall to hear that teaching!
But now Simeon and Anna were in the temple as the holy family brought their firstborn son to present him to the Lord. This was the time!
Simeon walked in the Spirit who had told him that he would meet the promised Messiah before he died. So Simeon watched and prayed for this wonderful encounter. One day the Spirit said to him – ‘go to the temple right now – this is the day!” So he went, and the Spirit said, “that little family over there – the baby is the One!” The years of waiting paid off as he met the Promised One – glory be – he could now depart in peace!
Anna had been a widow for most of her long life – which meant that she was among the poorest in society. But she hadn’t become bitter and inward – instead she became a worshipper at the temple every day. At a time when there had been no national prophet for 400 years, she was a prophetess – she too walked with the Spirit who, on that amazing day, brought her over to meet the Promised One.
For both Simeon and Anna, this was the lifetime Encounter they had looked for, for so long.
Isn’t this true for you and me! Our encounter with Jesus Christ the Saviour has made all the difference – both in this life and the life to come! Because of His entrance into the world – and into our lives, we have been saved and life will never be the same. Thank God for the Christmas story. We are now poised on the edge of a new year and perhaps you are thinking about resolutions. What if you were to ask the Holy Spirit – the same one who spoke to Simeon and Anna – for a fresh encounter with Jesus in 2024 – a fresh encounter of his choosing. Who knows what God has in store for you?
So let me wish you a Happy New Year – and one with fresh Encounters!
Pastor Leon Throness
Give a listen to this encounter song from the Haven of Rest quartet…