Son of Thunder
“When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. ‘Get up’, he said. ‘Don’t be afraid.’ When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus” Matthew 17:6-8.

Jesus called two sets of brothers to follow him as members of the Twelve – all of them partners in a fishing business. As desert people, Israelites were leery of the deep water – they saw it as the abyss – a place of chaos, mystery and sometimes evil.

Most would fish from shore, but a few brave people would face their fear and fish in the deep water from a boat. One of these was James, brother of John. They left the family business to heed the call of Jesus – how hard could it be? They were brave men! In fact, Jesus gave these two a nickname – “Sons of Thunder.”
“When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. ‘Get up’, he said. ‘Don’t be afraid.’ When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus” Matthew 17:6-8.
Jesus called two sets of brothers to follow him as members of the Twelve – all of them partners in a fishing business. As desert people, Israelites were leery of the deep water – they saw it as the abyss – a place of chaos, mystery and sometimes evil. Most would fish from shore, but a few brave people would face their fear and fish in the deep water from a boat. One of these was James, brother of John. They left the family business to heed the call of Jesus – how hard could it be? They were brave men! In fact, Jesus gave these two a nickname – “Sons of Thunder.” We get a little window into this fishing family of their dad Zebedee, who had hired men. At one point, their mom came with them to Jesus to ask that they sit on his right and left hand in the Kingdom. An ‘in your face’ family! Little did James know how much he would be stretched as he followed the Master.
He was there on the Mount of Transfiguration to see Jesus with Moses and Elijah. His legs turned to jelly, and he fell to the ground terrified. Jesus reassured him and the others and they went down the mountain to a scene of chaos, with religious elite arguing with the other disciples over their impotence in healing a boy who was growling and thrashing at their feet. Jesus stepped in, diagnosed it as demonic and soon there was peace!
He was there at Jairus the synagogue ruler’s house as the real and paid mourners shrieked and wailed over the body of Jairus’ 12-year-old daughter. Jesus stepped in, spoke to her and lifted her up from her bed and from death – there was peace!
He was there in Gethsemane, ready to pray alongside the agonized Lord, when three separate times he couldn’t keep his eyes open, and he slept instead. Satan was swirling there, and they finally woke up to a chaotic mob come to arrest the Lord. But Jesus calmed it all, having surrendered himself to the Fathers will.
He was there in the upper room when Jesus’ promise of the Spirit was given – he experienced the tongues of fire and the mélange of languages as people from all over the world heard the Good News of Jesus! Out of that came spiritual peace for 3000 people! What a stretch for this Son of Thunder!!
On that fateful day when Jesus called him to follow, James did not know he had less than four years to live. He was arrested by Herod the Great’s grandson, Agrippa, and beheaded with the sword (the same Agrippa who received the praise of men in Caesarea Maritima and died five days later in agony). James was the first disciple (other than Judas) to die. But this brave man had been stretched way beyond what he could have dreamed. He saw and experienced the power of God and lived through the peace that Jesus brings to chaos.
Who knows what is in store for us when we offer ourselves to the Spirit’s filling? We will certainly be stretched but we can also look for Jesus in the middle of the situation – He brings peace to us. So be confident. Enter in fully! Look for God in the storm!
I just released a new podcast on Monday – an interview with Allan Esau from our church. In his older years, he and his wife Marlyne are sweet spirited and spiritually alive. How does this happen? Check it out on our website under Resources and then Podcasts. He has also recommended the book “100 Bible verses every Christian should know” by Robert Morgan.
Pastor Leon Throness