Our heavenly home

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” John 14:3
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” John 14:3
Sometimes we Christians are conflicted. We want to have fresh encounters with the Lord, but we know ourselves too well. Does God really want to spend time with me when sometimes I’m not too sure I want to spend time with myself? This is the ongoing wonder of the Gospel – that God loves us so much that His Son willingly took our sin penalty of death upon Himself so that we could be in right relationship with Him. It’s not about how bright and shiny we are but how wonderful He is! Through His Spirit, He wants to have an ongoing relationship with us.
This passage from John 14 is such a phenomenal statement from Jesus. He spoke it to his disciples who were going to face huge challenges in taking the gospel to the world. They would know much change and sacrifice and for sure they would not have a sense of ‘home.’ He promised that they would be home in heaven with Him – forever. He gives this promise to you and I as His disciples also. He intends to have a permanent, eternal relationship with you – yes – you!
“In my Father’s house are many…” different versions speak it this way: ‘mansions’ (KJV); ‘dwelling places’ (Modern); ‘homes’ (Living); ‘plenty of room in my father’s house (Message) or ‘resting places’ (Modern Speech). Most of the disciples were from Galilee and they understood the kind of living arrangement Jesus was talking about. As per the photo above that I took in Jesus’ earthly headquarters of Capernaum, the people of that day lived in ‘insulae.’ That is – their homes all shared walls around a communal courtyard. ‘A mansion just over the hilltop’ denotes a grand house with a winding drive, but what Jesus was talking about was community living. The idea that we live close together – we really know each other.
We don’t go to heaven and couch surf – or sit on a cloud and play a harp. Our arrival in heaven is no surprise to the Lord – He has a home picked out for you and me – it is a prepared place. Heaven is a homecoming – a place of warmth, safety, love – a place of belonging. Jesus wants you to be with Him – He is close to you – He is accessible.
My choice to ‘read through the bible’ this year is to read “The book of God” – the bible as a novel. It has been fascinating. The account of Elijah is a brutal one as he fulfills his calling in the face of gritty opposition. “And the Lord said – go to Damascus and anoint Hazael king over Syria. Then anoint Jehu king over Israel in Ahab’s place. Then find Elisha and anoint him prophet in your place. Those who escape the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay, and those who escape the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. And when all is done, come home. Come home.”
God wants to encounter you and me in this life, and when this life is over, He will be close and accessible for all eternity. Let’s not forget this – and live in anticipation of the next Encounter with Him!
Pastor Leon Throness
-Just a quick plug for the lay training day after service on January 19. There will be many sessions for you to choose from, but in the first session we will hold an Encounter panel discussion on how people are practically encountering God. It will be fun and informative. Plan to be there!
-Also for those of you who have interest in the June 2026 trip to Turkey and Greece that I am calling – “Explore the acts of the Spirit – an encounter with the ancient church”: I will hold an informational evening on Sunday February 23. My teaching partner Bronwyn Spilsbury will be with us that night to answer your questions. Put that in your calendar!