Missionary or mission field
“…This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.” Acts 9:15

Sometimes those who are most against the gospel of Christ become the most influential for the cause. This was the case with Saul/Paul. What he needed was a dramatic encounter with the Lord – to see the dreadful sins of the course he was on and then to open himself up to the Lord’s plan for his life.

Jesus says to the Laodicean church in Revelation 3:16 that they are neither hot or cold and for that He would spew them from His mouth. How important it is for us to stay focused on Jesus and to invite the Spirit daily to make Jesus Lord.
“…This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.” Acts 9:15
Sometimes those who are most against the gospel of Christ become the most influential for the cause. This was the case with Saul/Paul. What he needed was a dramatic encounter with the Lord – to see the dreadful sins of the course he was on and then to open himself up to the Lord’s plan for his life. After a few days he began to preach in Damascus proving that Jesus is the Christ!
Wonderfully this has happened all through history, like with Augustine – the sinful son of a godly praying mother. He had a Paul-like experience and became a powerful missionary.
But it can also go the other way. I performed my first wedding as a 26-year-old. The people were from town but not my church, so I went to their home armed with all my premarital wisdom, only to find them living together with two children! Needless to say, I quickly revamped my presentation! The man was a heavy-duty equipment operator, much given to alcohol. His sister talked to me on the wedding day and said, “you would never know it now, but when he was younger, he was a firebrand for God.”
I read a sobering book called “Leaving the fold” – testimonies of people who left Christian fundamentalism – often over the excesses of fellow Christians.
Paul knew this sad sense of loss also with his fellow worker Demas. This man had soldiered alongside Paul for the gospel’s sake but in II Timothy 4:10 Paul said, “For Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica.” The missionary became a mission field. I have to think it started small – that’s why they call it ‘backslide.’ Taking one’s eyes off of Jesus and onto other things over time until one day there comes a break.
Jesus says to the Laodicean church in Revelation 3:16 that they are neither hot or cold and for that He would spew them from His mouth. How important it is for us to stay focused on Jesus and to invite the Spirit daily to make Jesus Lord. We need to remain expectant that God will meet us with fresh and not stale manna for today. I also note the role of other Christians in Paul’s life. In both Damascus and Jerusalem there were Christians who were spiritually alive and vouched for this young convert!
Let’s be missionary – there’s a big mission field out there!
Have a listen to the great song below.
Rob Reimer is coming to the Kamloops Alliance church for a soul care conference. You may want to check it out and attend. Here’s a little information – call the Kamloops church for more.
KAC is pleased to host Rob Reimer as he facilitates Renewal International's upcoming Soul Care Conference.
Bitterness, shame, fear, sin and pain that is filling our soul can keep us from fully experiencing the peace and joy that Christ has for us. Take a few days to learn and apply Biblical principles for healing the soul and overcoming broken and sinful areas of life to gain freedom & fullness in Christ!
Thurs. April 11th from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Fri. April 12th from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Sat. April 13th from 8:30 am to 5:00
• Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Cost: $150 (discount applied for KAC attenders with promo code)
(We love your little ones, but please leave them with a sitter. Childcare will not be provided).
Pastor Leon Throness