Loving God
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” Jesus in Matthew 22:37.

In summing up the whole bible in response to a Pharisee’s question, Jesus said there are two commandments that encapsulate all the rest – to love our neighbour and to love God.

The whole thought of ‘loving God’ is an interesting one. Respect God – yes. Serve God – yes. Worship God – yes. But love Him? That’s a harder one to quantify.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” Jesus in Matthew 22:37.
In summing up the whole bible in response to a Pharisee’s question, Jesus said there are two commandments that encapsulate all the rest – to love our neighbour and to love God.
The whole thought of ‘loving God’ is an interesting one. Respect God – yes. Serve God – yes. Worship God – yes. But love Him? That’s a harder one to quantify. We love our spouse – we know what that feels like inside. Same is true with love for our children or grandchildren – those warm feelings when they come to mind or in our presence.
Some of this is due to our Western mindset of theory and abstract thought. We are Hellenistic and (rightly) describe God as omniscient – He knows everything. He is omnipresent – everywhere at once. He is eternal – no beginning or end. He is omnipotent – he is not bound in any way. While these things are right and true about God, it is hard to relate to Him – let alone love Him.
In contrast, the Eastern mindset is more relational and concrete – they speak of God in terms of pictures. The bible is an Eastern book and it’s interesting to see how God is described there. He is a rock, He is a fortress, He is a mother hen covering chicks with her wings. He is water, He is shepherd. I can relate to these things and when I realize that this is describing the Lord I serve, I love Him for them!
Jesus had a personal prayer life and He called God - Father. We are also encouraged to come to God as our Abba – our dad. Many times in Israel I have heard a little Jewish child calling ‘abba’ as they run to their dad. I can love a dad!
Both of these approaches are right and good, but when it comes to loving God, I find the Eastern mindset to be very helpful in my love for God.
And of course, God has shown His supreme love for us in His Son Jesus. We study and reflect on the God man who said, “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” Over the past couple of months, I have had chances to attend mega churches in the US. I don’t know anybody there – I don’t know the players – I don’t know the problems – I just go to worship and listen. And as Jesus is lifted up through worship and word, I love Him afresh.
What picture of God do you relate to today? Think about that picture and express your love for Him with all your heart, mind and soul!
Just a couple of things:
-My latest podcast with Roland Hoeppner is a winner. In our time together he talks about the Spirit filled life, the idea of calling from God, what he learned through the deaths of loved ones, and how he has retained spiritual vitality through a life of service. Go to the church website, click on ‘resources’, then ‘podcasts’ and have a listen.
-This Sunday at 3 pm at the church is the first post covid Throness service. I have family joining me from Surrey, Kamloops, and Kelowna to present music harmony, a short devotional, and some group singing of older stuff you will know. I hope to see you there!
Pastor Leon Throness