Let's Roll!

“For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” Romans 14:7,8.
“For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” Romans 14:7,8.
Today is the anniversary of the terrible day of the twin towers coming down and the Pentagon attack. Like me, you may well remember what you were doing that day. I remember coming downstairs for breakfast and Carol saying, ‘you need to see what’s happening on TV.’ Transfixed, we watched the news all morning, hardly able to believe what we were seeing. It was a day that changed how the West viewed their safety and invincibility as Palestinians danced for joy in the streets over the thousands of innocent people who were murdered. I have reviewed my diaries for that day and the two anniversaries following.
People during the attack prepared to die. A police officer crawled under a truck and prayed for mercy. A firefighter on the 3rd floor of one of the towers prayed that death would be quick. Doomed people called loved ones on their cell phones swearing their love and giving last minute instructions.
One day the end will come for you and me as well. It may not be in a terrorist attack – it may be our own heart that suffers an attack – or in many other ways. This is when being a Christian gives us such a good perspective.
Paul recounted his many sufferings in II Corinthians 11 – all of which could have led to his death. Beatings, shipwreck, in danger from bandits and the elements, hungry and thirsty, cold and naked. Yet he continued to fulfill his ministry calling to the Gentiles, leaving his life in the hands of the Lord, as he outlined in Romans 14.
One of the great heroes of 9/11 was Tod Beamer. Tod was a young husband and dad and a devoted Christian. He taught Sunday School and worked with youth at his home church – Princeton Alliance church in New Jersey. He found himself in one of the hijacked planes and worked with other passengers to try to take it back. He recited the Lord’s prayer and the 23rd psalm and then they made a rush to the terrorists. His last words were “Let’s roll!”
Like Paul, like Tod – we meet life as it comes. We face things that come our way, knowing that we are ultimately in the Lord’s hands and at the very worst that life can dish out, we will be with Him forever. We don’t live in fear – we live in faith! Let’s roll!
Don’t forget the showing of ‘Jesus Revolution’ at the church on September 29 at 2:30 pm. A powerful story of revival among the hippie generation of the late 70’s. Plan to attend and be in prayer for those who come. I continue to look for a fresh wave of the Spirit in my day.
If you are interested in a trip to the 7 churches of the Revelation – probably June 2026, let me know and I will chat with you about what we are thinking.
Pastor Leon Throness