July 10, 2024

Just Before I Go

“Then Joshua assembled all the tribes of Israel at Shechem. He summoned the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Israel, and they presented themselves before God” Joshua 24:1.

I recently finished going through the book of Joshua devotionally...  I found – and will share with you – three encouragements from Joshua 24.

Our business is to be faithful to Him for our whole life and be a model to those coming after us.  Leave the rest with Him!

I recently finished going through the book of Joshua devotionally.  It is the story of taking the promised land under this solid soldier.  He assembled all the people near the end of his life to prepare them for the time he would be gone.  He raised a standing stone to remind them of that time – is the above that actual standing stone at Shechem?  Could be.  I found – and will share with you – three encouragements from Joshua 24.

REMEMBERWHAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO.  Joshua’s predecessor was Moses – the law giver, the one who spoke personally with God, the deliverer and shepherd of a nation – one of the greatest leaders in history.  In contrast, Joshua was a man of war – he was good with a blade and commanding troops.  He was tasked with dividing up the land, determining cities of refuge and deciding where the Levites would live.  

The reality is that both men were called to use their gifts to serve the people and further God’s plan.  Joshua didn’t have to be Moses to do that.  Where has God gifted you?  Don’t look for the gifts of someone else – instead put your best into what God has entrusted you with.  After all, it’s His work – not yours!

REMEMBERTHE ANCHOR PINS IN YOUR SPIRITUAL CLIMB. As a mountain climber ascends the rock face, he pounds pins into the rock to attach his line to, so that if he falls further up, the line will catch and hold at that point.  The same is true of our climb to heaven.  We drive pins in the rock as we ascend – like our salvation day; baptism; powerful answers to prayer; miracles in our life or precious lasting promises from scripture.  Later on, during a hard time, we come back to these pins in the rock.

Joshua reminded them of their corporate ‘pins.’ Vss 2,3 the calling of Abraham; vs 5 the calling of Moses and Aaron and the plagues that delivered them from Egypt; vs 6,7 their deliverance at the Red Sea.  He reminded them (vss 8-10) of the enemies the Lord drove out ahead of them including Balaam’s curses turned to blessings; and of the conquests of cities like Jericho (vss 11,12).  “So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant” vs 13.

What anchor pins do you go back to in your own Christian experience that remind you that God is working in your life?

BE FAITHFUL.  At this point, knowing he had little time left, Joshua presented them with the choice to go God’s way or to go the way of paganism around them.  He said it was up to them “…but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” (vs 15).  A simple, clear cut, unequivocal pronouncement of his stand. His resolution was a model for all of Israel to follow.  Verse 31 says that as long as Joshua and his close cadre of leaders was alive, the people followed the Lord.

We can’t control what happens after we die.  Read the book of Judges and wince at the excesses of leadership there.  But that’s not your job or mine – that is God’s business.  Our business is to be faithful to Him for our whole life and be a model to those coming after us.  Leave the rest with Him!

Remember what God has called you to!

Remember the anchor pins in your spiritual climb!

Be faithful!

Pastor LeonThroness

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