As you know, Israel has played a large role in my ministry life. Four months ago I was there with 30 other pilgrims. This week we have followed the attack and resultant butchery from Hamas where, as of today, 1200 Israeli civilians have been killed, 2700 wounded and 100 hostages have been taken.

This is the hot spot on the earth – a very tiny sliver of land – only 20% is arable. Why is this tiny country one of the world’s leading fresh citrus exporters – in fact, 70% of their harvest is exported? Why of the 954 Nobel prize recipients since 1901 have 212 been Jews? Why do you think Jews have been the subject of so much hatred?

Read Genesis 12:1-3. God chose a people to show himself to the world and the father of this people was Abraham. These people were blessed in order to bless. Much of the Old Testament is about God’s dealings with the chosen people.
In light of the events of this week, I have taken a detour in our theme for today. Here is a short bible study for you to go through. Take some time to read and ruminate on what are just a few passages about the chosen people. As you know, Israel has played a large role in my ministry life. Four months ago I was there with 30 other pilgrims. You have followed the attack and resultant butchery from Hamas this week where, as of today, 1200 Israeli civilians have been killed, 2700 wounded and 100 hostages have been taken. 1055 have been killed in Gaza and 4000 wounded. Terrorism is a pestilence on the earth.
This is the hot spot on the earth – a very tiny sliver of land – only 20% is arable. Why is this tiny country one of the world’s leading fresh citrus exporters – in fact, 70% of their harvest is exported? Why of the 954 Nobel prize recipients since 1901 have 212 been Jews? Why do you think Jews have been the subject of so much hatred?
Read Genesis 12:1-3. God chose a people to show himself to the world and the father of this people was Abraham. These people were blessed in order to bless. Much of the Old Testament is about God’s dealings with the chosen people.
But this was also a promise of a place. Read just down the page - Genesis 12:5-7 – Abraham would be given all he could see. Then a short bit later, in Genesis 13:14,15, God makes this promise forever. In Genesis 15:17-21 is the famous covenant made by God to Abraham – notice that only God ratified this covenant as He passed between the pieces. Look at the peoples mentioned that comprises about 300,000 square miles including the Negev, Canaan, Jerusalem, modern Jordan and unspecified ‘east.’
God knew that they were a sinful people just like everybody else and that their sins would result in them being scattered, but God promised to bring them back. Read Deuteronomy 30:3-5. Not only that but he promised to bring them back to the land he promised to Abraham. Read Jeremiah 16:14,15. Promises of blessing to the people and promises of the land that God hasn’t forgotten.
SINCE 1948
Fast forward now to our own time. Through a series of miracles, after being scattered for 2000 years and yet retaining their heritage and language, the state of Israel was declared in 1948 – fulfilled prophecy in our day! Against inconceivable odds, they have thrived and only recently came back to a population of over 6 million, replacing the genocide of Adolf Hitler.
The current conflict began almost 50 years to the day of the outset of the Yom Kippur war in October 1973. The Day of Atonement is the annual day to seek forgiveness of sins – the holiest day of the year – when 9 Arab states with Russian backing suddenly invaded Israel – Israelis were caught praying in synagogues.
On the Syrian front, the 1400 Syrian tanks were met by 180 Israeli tanks. By the Suez Canal, 500 Israelis with 3 tanks were met by 600,000 Egyptian troops, 2000 tanks and 550 aircraft. They were in deep trouble. But they rallied and within days were marching to Cairo and Damascus. Only world opinion kept them from doing so. How did this happen? Even though they, and us, tend to be unfaithful, God is faithful to His promises!
Paul reminds us that Christians owe a debt to the chosen people. Read Romans 9:1-5 and see the rich glories of Israel. We are living in the church age but owe so much to them. Read Romans 11:17-21. We Gentiles are the grafted branch on the olive tree of the Jews. We have no more earned blessing than they have – all we have is from God’s hand.
Modern Israel is a secular state, and they make mistakes and poor decisions like any other secular state. We don’t support Israel – right or wrong, but the biblical concept deserves our support and at this moment we can pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Let’s do so. Take some time today to pray for the current situation in Israel – certainly a tinderbox. Pray that they will be kept from another holocaust. Pray for wisdom and bravery for those defending the nation. Pray for Arab Christians who walk a fine line and for moderate Palestinians who continue to suffer at the hands of terrorist regimes. Pray that major players will be kept from interfering. Pray against the works of Satan who certainly has the annihilation of the Chosen people in mind. Pray that Israelis will come to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Messiah.
It's time for the grafted in branch to support the Root that we grow from!
Pastor Leon Throness