God's desire for Encounters

“For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you” Jeremiah 29:11,12
“For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you” Jeremiah 29:11,12
We have just come through two elections – the provincial one in B.C. and the federal one in the U.S. Hotly contested with dire assertions all the way around. One of the main topics south of the border was the right for mothers to kill their unborn. These things make me feel like I’m living on the wrong planet. So many of my values are different than the ones I see playing out on the public stage where I live. Many of us have a sense of longing – maybe for days gone by when things were simpler – more black and white – more friendly to faith. Many have an increased longing for the Lord’s return and a sense of rightness returning to the world. We feel like we are in exile in an increasingly foreign place.
This was the feeling of Israel as they languished far from home as exiles in Babylon. Everything was foreign – the culture, the gods, the values – everything. The temptation was to simply flip the ‘off’ switch and long for what was not.
In addition, you may be feeling like an exile in your personal life somehow. A relationship once warm is now severed. Your body once reliable is now letting you down. Control of your situation has now slipped out of your hands.
In light of these realities, how do we live Christianly? Jeremiah sent a letter to these exiles indicating how they were to live in their time away from home. Rather than sitting in mourning, they were to build houses, have families and seek the peace of the city they found themselves in. He reminded them that “…if it prospers, you too will prosper” (vs 7). Christians have responsibilities in exile. Even though our surroundings are not ‘Christian’ per se, secular culture will sit up and take notice of Christians who are active, positive and faith filled. So too when we are in personal exile. We call upon the Lord in prayer, knowing that He has good plans for us even in our circumstance.
God was no less present – or able – in Babylon as He was in Jerusalem. He wants to encounter you in whatever exile you find yourself. Maybe He will meet you in a way that you could never know in times of ease. So – ‘seek the peace of the city’, and ‘seek Him and find Him when you seek with all your heart.’
Pastor Leon Throness
Just a couple of things to note:
A long-time member of our church, Henry Peters, just passed away. Practical and godly, I did a podcast with him in 2022. You can listen to his wisdom by clicking HERE.
On the evening of December 1, we will hold an Advent chapel service at the church – a time to prepare for the birth of the Saviour. Plan for that evening.
We are making plans to ‘explore the acts of the Spirit and encounter the early church’ through a trip to Turkey and Greece in May of 2026. A fabulous itinerary with quality teaching and good accommodations. Think about coming with us. To know more, just email me at leon@mycac.ca