God and I make a majority

When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19 (KJV)
“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” Isaiah 59:19 KJV.
I’m currently reading the account of the exodus from Egypt – deliverance provided by God alone. Pharaoh, who is arguably the most powerful person in the world of his day, finds himself in an increasingly untenable position as the plagues upon his people mount up and he faces the bankruptcy of the nation. Moses, on the other hand is completely powerless before the Pharaoh – except for the fact that God has called him and is moving on the Children of Israel’s behalf. A stubborn hard-hearted leader facing an awesome and powerful Lord. It’s a very faith building read!
We are in an anti-Christian time in the West, led by leaders who run from God and toward ‘man as the measure of all things’ – as fast and hard as they can go. Christianity is the easy whipping boy primarily because Christians try to live out Christ’s teaching of love rather than hate.
Paul tells us in Romans 1 that when leaders go this way, their thinking becomes futile, they become fools, and they exchange truth for lies. We certainly see the utter foolishness of so many leadership decisions these days. Reading the daily news can become pretty depressing if it were not for the fact that we serve the same Lord as Moses did. His arm is not shortened that He cannot save. In His providence He sometimes lets things play out and other times He intercedes on behalf of His people.
Canadians have the same inner need as they have always had. At some point we are no longer content with the idols among us that only lead to our debasement and confusion. I continue to look for a fresh and wide movement of God among us. To that end we are hosting a showing of the movie “Jesus Revolution” on September 29th at 2:30 pm at the church. This is a powerful story of revival among North American young people in the 70’s – I cried most of the way through when I first saw it. We will have a short time of reflection and discussion at the end of the viewing. I hope you will make an effort to be there and also be in prayer for this event as it approaches. I am enclosing a prayer guide to focus you.
There has also been a bubbling interest in a trip to Turkey and Greece in June of 2026 to focus on the 7 churches of the Revelation. You can take a look at a recent trip by going to www.pilgrimway.ca, clicking on ‘journeys’ then on ‘past journeys’ to see ‘Turkiye and Greece.” It will give you an idea of what we are looking at. Let me know if you have interest, either by replying to this email, chatting with me, or letting the church office know.
Pastor Leon Throness