Does God Need The Money?
He said that in giving her two mites, this poorest of the poor widow had given the most of everyone that day. But he also didn’t go to the lady and say – ‘keep your money – you really need it.” There is a spiritual lesson for us who seek fresh Encounters with the Lord.

The obvious and short answer to our question is – no – God doesn’t need the money.

“…this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others” Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:43.
“…this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others” Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:43.
The obvious and short answer to our question is – no – God doesn’t need the money. We used to sing a song in Sunday school that went:
“He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, the wealth in every mine
He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills, the sun and moon that shine
Wonderful riches more than tongue can tell
He is my Father so they’re mine as well
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, I know that He will care for me!”
I find it very interesting how Jesus views money in this short passage. He said that in giving her two mites, this poorest of the poor widow had given the most of everyone that day. But he also didn’t go to the lady and say – ‘keep your money – you really need it.” There is a spiritual lesson for us who seek fresh Encounters with the Lord.
One of the churches I pastored was undergoing the painful transition from largely white middle/upper middle class, to reflecting the multicultural makeup that the area around the church had become. Many of these new people had little money. As ‘white flight’ continued, a particularly wealthy long-term person told me that the church had no future and left for a prosperous suburban church. I was deeply concerned until my treasurer said to me – “don’t worry – this person hasn’t given to the General fund for many years.” God repeatedly met our needs in miraculous ways.
It was around that time that I came upon a famous statement made by Hudson Taylor, who founded the China Inland Mission. He said: “God’s work done God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” I have repeated this to myself a thousand times and not worried about money in the church ever since. All I have tried to address is doing God’s work in God’s way!
But let’s face it – does God really need us to spread the gospel; pray; exercise spiritual gifts and give our money? In a way we aren’t needed – the King of Glory has no needs. But in a very key way He chooses to work through us!
I read Paul Billheimer’s book “Destined for the throne” many years ago and he addresses this issue so well. God is seeking an eternal companion for the Son. We see this pictured in Ephesians 5 – marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church. We who are redeemed are the eternal companion for the Son, and in many places we are reminded that we will judge the world (I Cor 6:2,3); we will have power over the nations (Rev 2:26); and we will be a kingdom of priests to reign on the earth (Rev 5:8,19). Our time here on earth is ‘on the job training’ for our eternal role. So God encourages us to pray, to give, to witness, to live out the life of the Body of Christ – and in many ways He restricts Himself to our involvement in these things. It’s like God is the Sheriff and He puts the star of authority on us, His Deputies – we are to carry out His wishes in the world.
So, the question is – how are you doing in your ‘on the job training’ for your eternal role? It really makes a difference in the Kingdom. Prayer; Body life and community; witness; use of spiritual gifts – and, yes, your money…
Pastor Leon Throness