“All this I will give you,’ the devil said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me” Matthew 4:9.

Over the past year we have been looking at encounters with Jesus – powerful and instructional. This month we are looking at an encounter Jesus had with the enemy the devil, who at an early juncture in Jesus’ earthly ministry took special time to tempt him to circumvent the Father’s will (as the devil had earlier done).

Jesus’ mission was to reclaim lost humanity for God – to bring the nations back to the Father. Still eager to ascend to the heights, Satan was willing to trade the dominance of the nations in exchange for worship.
“All this I will give you,’ the devil said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me” Matthew 4:9.
Over the past year we have been looking at encounters with Jesus – powerful and instructional. This month we are looking at an encounter Jesus had with the enemy the devil, who at an early juncture in Jesus’ earthly ministry took special time to tempt him to circumvent the Father’s will (as the devil had earlier done). Turn stone to bread, put the Father to the test – and our subject here – to compromise the will of the Father. There is something for us to learn here in our own temptation experiences.
Satan claims jurisdiction over the nations of the world. Romans 5:12 tells us that through the sin of one man – Adam – death has come to all. This is the enemy’s realm – he has millions of people in his grip. But there is also a dominance he has in the unseen realms – we certainly see evidences of his evil ways in nations today. Jesus didn’t deny that Satan holds sway – He repeatedly called the enemy ‘the prince of this world.’ This temptation was somehow a bona fide offer – a true temptation to Jesus – not just some theoretical exercise.
Jesus’ mission was to reclaim lost humanity for God – to bring the nations back to the Father. Still eager to ascend to the heights, Satan was willing to trade the dominance of the nations in exchange for worship. All that was required to bring the nations back was for Jesus to take a short cut – to compromise – and to exalt the devil rather than the Father. Jesus the man knew what was in store for him – what would he do with this offer?
Interesting that Satan took Jesus up – the top of the temple, the top of a high mountain. He promises exaltation and satisfaction - only with compromise. But God’s will for the Son was down – after baptism into the desert and then as a suffering servant. A cross not a crown. Isn’t this true for us as well! Jesus said: “My kingdom is not of this world…my kingdom is from another place” (John 18:36). He chose not to compromise but to hold the Father’s will as supreme, and in going to the cross provided the way for all of us to escape the curse of death and hell. Glory to the Master! And after all of this, the unseen world entered in, and angels came to minister to him - just as they do to us.
Each of us experience temptations to compromise – to take a short cut – to worship something else rather than the Lord. This is when we walk in the Spirit and follow the example of Jesus – “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” Hebrews 5:15,16.
All of us are following the horrors happening in Israel and praying for that nation and its people. I recently watched this excellent address outlining some of the key questions to be asked about Hamas and Israel’s stance. I commend it to you to watch.
Pastor Leon Throness