BLOG: Word
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. ~2 Peter 1:20,21
I have five news apps loaded on my phone and I hunt and peck to see what’s happening in the world. I believe part of what I read but also realize that ‘news’ is a business designed to keep one coming back, so they report what they think will keep people coming back – that is – the shocking; the bizarre; the scary; the cruel; the salacious – that kind of thing. Hard to know on balance what is REALLY happening!
In this context, how wonderful for me as a Christian to daily go to the Word, for in it I DO find what is really happening!
Our staff devotional this week was the first chapter of Genesis – we read it out loud and commented on what God teaches us about himself. There is general revelation that we can observe around us, telling us that God is huge, outside of time, detailed, orderly, and powerful. But there is also specific revelation that we could not know on our own – that we are made in His image, that we are made to have oversight of his creation and that everything God made was good. God is a communicator, and one of the main ways is through the Scriptures – the Word.
But also, to know that the Scriptures are more than a compendium of human history and wisdom – they are inspired by God – the Holy Spirit has impressed the many biblical authors to write what God wants us to know.
“Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” II Peter 1:20,21
Oh yes, there are considerations when we come to Scripture, like context, translation accuracy and the reality of mystery. But the bible is God’s word to us!
This is a preaching week for me – I am tasked with opening the Scriptures so the Spirit can speak and apply it to the congregation. How wonderful to know that preaching is not simply my own wit and wisdom – how limited that is! No – the Holy Spirit illuminates the Word in a timely fashion for every earnest believer. It is not just the timeless word of God, but it is the timely word of God for me – today!
God is a communicator – He has revealed himself – the Spirit has inspired God’s message to us – and He applies it to our current situation. Do you want to really know what is going on in the world – in your own life? Do you have a need that is too big for you to figure out on your own? Dig into the Scriptures – prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to apply it to your life today!
I believe one of the most profound ways to Encounter God is through walking the land of the bible – Israel. After having to cancel our trip this spring because of covid, an opportunity has arisen to head to Israel in early June 2023. If you have interest, send me an email ( or give me a call at the church (604-792-0051). Let’s talk!
Pastor Leon Throness