January 11, 2023

BLOG: The Catalyst

If you were to choose a person to reach a town for Christ, who would you choose? The mayor or council member? The editor of the newspaper or a well known local businessman? Somebody with clout!

“Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Jesus because of the woman’s testimony.” John 4:39

“Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Jesus because of the woman’s testimony.” John 4:39

If you were to choose a person to reach a town for Christ, who would you choose? The mayor or council member?  The editor of the newspaper or a well known local businessman? Somebody with clout!

As we look at Jesus’ wonderful encounter with the Samaritan woman – a lady with a bad reputation in her town having gone through at least six men – we would never think of her as the one to reach the town! But her dramatic encounter with the Master and ensuing change in her outlook on life was evident to her neighbours! She set aside all the smirks and slurs and disapproving looks of the past in her zeal for them to meet Jesus like she had. She was the catalyst for change in her Samaritan town.

A catalyst is a person acting as a stimulus to bring something about. We are new to our neighbourhood, having moved in the fall. At Christmas our neighbours and friends Chris and Sheila hosted a Christmas soiree for the neighbours of our cul-de-sac. What a great time we had! Lots of chat and laughter that probably wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t decided to be the catalyst.

How we need catalysts in the work of the Lord! I can see them in the foyer after church – there are always people around them chatting. There are people among us with the gift of evangelism who are catalysts. Rae and Julene Hunter were with us on very part time staff for a couple of years, but everywhere they went people came to know Christ.  

So – is it possible that you could be a catalyst to make something happen for the sake of Christ? Not to sit and wait but to act on something that has been bugging you or nagging at the corner of your mind? “Why doesn’t somebody do something about that?” Why don’t YOU do something about that? Maybe in being a catalyst for people to encounter God, you might have a fresh encounter yourself!

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