BLOG: Kingdom Organics
Let us be about the Master’s business – keep sowing seeds – keep looking for His rain andHis sunshine, and be content knowing that the Kingdom is coming!

This teaching reached its climax ‘that day when evening came’ (vs 35) as they took a boat onto the sea of Galilee as a furious squall came up. They were petrified as Jesus slept in the back. Upon frantically waking him, he rebuked the storm – “Quiet! Be still!” Even the wind and the waves obey the Master.

“…This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how” Mark 4:26,27.
I’ve been working in the ‘kingdom of God’ business for a long time, and, as I look back, I see steady erosion of culture away from involvement, commitment, respect and even civility toward the faith I hold dear, despite my best efforts along with those I have worked with.
We were in the States this spring and it seemed like covid had never been a ‘thing’ in the church we attended – responsiveness seemed to ooze from every pore. Upon returning to Canada, I was faced afresh with the inexplicable state of so many Canadian Christians content to stay away and be uninvolved. Our slow corporate crawl out of the well of covid and related manipulations by some has been tough on the Church in attendance, involvement, finances and outreach. In times like these it is good to go back to Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God.
I would encourage you to read all of Mark 4 – Kingdom growth is the main theme.
Jesus talks about the role of the farmer in growing the crop. We are the farmer – the Gospel kingdom is the seed. He reminds us that while we have a role to play, the growth of the crop is a divine thing. You can’t see it grow hour by hour but over time you can see how the crop has grown. The crop is not mechanistic but organic – it is not a machine to be driven but plants to be cared for.
Later in the chapter Jesus likens the Kingdom to a planted mustard seed – tiny –insignificant, but later to be a bush large enough for the birds to perch on. Big things can come from small packages. That little seed seems quite inert until it is planted and watered and shone upon, and then one day you look, and the branches are alive with chirping birds! God is at work!
This teaching reached its climax ‘that day when evening came’ (vs 35) as they took a boat onto the sea of Galilee as a furious squall came up. They were petrified as Jesus slept in the back. Upon frantically waking him, he rebuked the storm – “Quiet! Be still!” Even the wind and the waves obey the Master.
The Kingdom is in the hands of God – nothing will stop it from being realized. All of the furious attempts of the enemy will, in the end, come to naught. The crop will ripen, the bush will be huge, the storms will stop, and God will have His way! So, preacher Leon – and so, dear fellow pilgrim – let us be about the Master’s business – keep sowing seeds– keep looking for His rain and His sunshine, and be content knowing that the Kingdom is coming!
Pastor Leon Throness