BLOG: Hunger
“When Jesus got out of the boat, He saw a great crowd waiting, and His heart was moved with pity at the sight of them, for they were like a sheep without a shepherd; and so He proceeded to teach them a number of things.” Mark 6:34

It is interesting to me that whenever Jesus taught, people would flock to hear him, giving no thought to where they would stay or what they would eat. The verse above was at the feeding of the 5000 observant Jewish men, but this also happened in the pagan Decapolis where Jesus fed 4000 people after THREE DAYS with him. People wanted his teaching more than they wanted food.
“When Jesus got out of the boat, He saw a great crowd waiting, and His heart was moved with pity at the sight of them, for they were like a sheep without a shepherd; and so He proceeded to teach them a number of things” Mark 6:34.
Billy Sunday was the most famous evangelist of the early 1900’s before the age of radio. A former major league ball player, his preaching style was dramatic and powerful – people came in droves – it is estimated that throughout all of his campaigns, he preached to 100 million people in the seats (some would come each night). He would have a temporary tabernacle built for his campaigns seating up to 10,000 – all of this before electric lights and amplification. He coined the term ‘sawdust trail’ during his campaign in Bellingham. His song leader, Homer Rodheaver, said that during a ten minute section of an oft repeated sermon, there would be between 2 and 12 men who would faint and have to be carried out. People always run to where they see God at work!
It is interesting to me that whenever Jesus taught, people would flock to hear him, giving no thought to where they would stay or what they would eat. The verse above was at the feeding of the 5000 observant Jewish men, but this also happened in the pagan Decapolis where Jesus fed 4000 people after THREE DAYS with him. People wanted his teaching more than they wanted food.
There is so much dross that we encounter in our everyday lives. So much deception and lies. Loud voices proclaiming fallacy and leading us astray from the good and right path. But even in this sad context, people are still looking for God and they will always go where He is at work. Look at any miracle spot or any revival. When I am in Jerusalem, I see pilgrims from all over the world at the church of the Holy Sepulcher, rubbing tokens on the stone where it is said Jesus’ body was laid from the cross.
What a desire – that we can receive heaven’s truth from the Holy Spirit! Through our times in the Word – speak to us Lord. In times of worship as we turn our souls to You – speak truth to our inner being. Give us epiphany moments when least expected. Answer prayers in such a way that we know it is You. We come to sit at Your feet Lord – meet with us here!
I will be in Israel with 29 pilgrims over the next two weeks – some of whom you know. Pray with me that we will experience safety, coordination, and most of all, powerful Encounters with God!
Pastor Leon Throness