BLOG: Unmerited Grace
Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” John 8:10-11 NIV

Have you ever done something you hope no one ever finds out about? Ever been entangled in something sinful, secret, maybe not even of a sexual nature but perhaps an unethical business dealing, theft, slander of another, blatant idolatry and it being exposed, brought into the light so to speak.

Forgiveness is not the same dark place we have been…. It is the door that opens the way to a new and better place if we choose it!!
What a beautiful encounter of undeserved mercy and grace from the ONLY One who could have passed judgement and condemned her… yet He doesn’t!!! He is the only One who stood up and showed compassion towards this outcast who truly had been caught in the midst of a sin that was punishable by death.
Have you ever done something you hope no one ever finds out about? Ever been entangled in something sinful, secret, maybe not even of a sexual nature but perhaps an unethical business dealing, theft, slander of another, blatant idolatry and it being exposed, brought into the light so to speak.
It is terrifying to stand before our peers, coworkers, or others whom we fear judgement or condemnation from, totally stripped bare with our sin front and center. To be “ruined”. But the Lover of our soul can use just such an event to set us free to live a better life as His redeemed. Let’s see what we can glean from this beautiful passage.
This woman caught in adultery (where’s the man…?!), her previous life of sin may have been known but previously ignored until this day, is dragged before Jesus and forced to stand out, alone, in her sin and shame as this group of men try to trap Jesus.
His response is wise, profound, and restorative. “Let the one among you who is without sin, be the first to throw a stone at her.” One by one the realization of their own sins may have caused the crowd to dwindle away; they too had all fallen short; they too are also in need of His mercy and grace. It is interesting to me that the greatest accusers are often also the vilest sinners and most reluctant to humble themselves and seek forgiveness.
These men had stripped away her humanity and reduced her to her sin but Jesus was not done…He saw her for who she really was not the sin she had committed. With the crowd dispersed, He straightens up and addresses her, remember, He is the only one without sin in the group! He alone has the right to carry out judgment. This is what he says to the exposed woman waiting for judgement before Him:
“Neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Jesus did not gloss over her sin and pretend it was alright. He clearly and directly acknowledged her sin as He spoke these words to this adulteress thrown before Him. They both knew her guilt and then, Jesus did something profound!! He extended undeserved, unmerited grace towards her by forgiving her and by challenging her to leave this current life of sin behind and live out a new life, a better life taking her from Adulteress to Forgiven Woman of God.
Although there is no scriptural evidence to support this thought…. I wonder if she was the woman who tearfully anointed Jesus’ feet with her tears and expensive oil.… This grace Jesus offered her came at a great price.… was she one of the women at the foot of the cross on that fateful day that He bore all our sin, hers, mine and yours?
Even in the crazy, sin filled culture we find ourselves in, Jesus looks upon our sin, nakedness, and shame and loves us in spite of it all. He invites us us to leave it all behind and walk with Him for all our days. Forgiveness is not the same dark place we have been…. It is the door that opens the way to a new and better place if we choose it!! PRAISE THE LORD!! We are free to live the life Jesus died to give us.
Please click HERE for more information on the upcoming Life in the Spirit Seminar.