Blessings in Service
As the Holy Spirit uses ALL the gifts and acts of service, both big and small – as Christians, make it a point to serve each other in love.

“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them” John 13:17.

This month we have looked at the dramatic encounter between Jesus the servant leader and his disciples who argued over who was the greatest. He set an example for them as to who is great in the Kingdom – that is the person who is willing to serve others.
“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them” John 13:17.
This month we have looked at the dramatic encounter between Jesus the servant leader and his disciples who argued over who was the greatest. He set an example for them as to who is great in the Kingdom – that is the person who is willing to serve others.
As modern western Christians, we love the big show – lights, sound, momentum, and the feeling of full. When I pastored in the Okanagan, the pastoral ministerial estimated about 3000 Christians who moved from church to church in town depending on these kinds of factors. Wherever the going was good, that’s where they were going.
We wish we had the big spiritual gifts – worship leading, proclamation, teaching. Helps, service, behind the scenes – not so much. But how does the Kingdom move ahead? As the Holy Spirit uses ALL the gifts and acts of service, both big and small – as Christians make it a point to serve each other in love.
We talked about this as church staff – who has done something small for you that has had a big impact? Answers like: a word of encouragement when I was uncertain; a hug at just the right time; youth sponsors who continued to show up with ungrateful youth and now that we youth have grown up we see how much they served! That kind of thing – it is acting like the Lord!
I think of my favourite bible college professor – Albert Cramer. How he sacrificed to teach us undergrads the depth of the Old Testament at 8 o’clock in the morning! He was funny, caring, demanding – click here for his obituary and honor his input to me as he imitated Christ’s example.
Jesus promised blessing for the disciple who will act like Him in service. If you want to go deeper with God, engage in serving other Christians in Jesus’ name. As you do so, the Church will be built, and you will be blessed!
I love the message of the song below – have a listen.
Pastor Leon Throness