Awakening or Revival??

Although the term Spiritual Awakening and Revival are often used interchangeably, they are distinctly different.
Awakenings occur when God pours out his Spirit on society, often outside the “church” and they experience hunger and deep longing for more than the world has to offer them. We saw glimpses of this after the 911 tragedy and during COVID and more recently at an American college campus dubbed ‘The Asbury Awakening’ which sparked a number of other colleges campus’s, churches and prisons to experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Although Church leaders are hopeful that “revival is happening” in pockets across the continent spanning different age groups, denominations, and backgrounds, the last sweeping Great Spiritual Awakening in our history was the Jesus movement of the late 60’s early 70’s. I am pretty sure a number of you have been influenced by the ongoing waves of that movement and the revival it triggered in many churches and its people. I know Pastor Leon speaks of it often with great fondness and longing for it to happen again in his lifetime.
Revival on the other hand simply means restore to the original condition of what the Maker intended. Individually and collectively. It is not dependent on a larger awakening but occurs in our hearts and in the midst of our church communities when we step into and become all we were intended to be. A place of discovering our passions for the Kingdom of God and stepping into the vibrant life He invites us to. In order to create spaces and places for the outcasts of society to be known, loved and encounter the Saviour.
Our very own denomination was born on the heels of what was called the 3rd Great Awakening. In November of 1881, Rev. A.B. Simpson left his prestigious pastorate, and generous salary to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Frustrated that his affluent church did not want to welcome the “messy” new converts to be part of “their” church, Simpson called a meeting with other believers to begin “an aggressive spiritual movement” to reach the city’s neglected nonbelievers, the outcasts of their day. A whopping 7 other individuals came to that cold dancehall in NYC. Very quickly, this grass roots movement grew to become a small fledgling Gospel Tabernacle where church members independently began wholistic, ground-breaking outreaches for the city’s neglected: orphanages, soup kitchens, healing homes, hospice for unwed mothers, rescue missions, safe spaces for prostitutes and alcoholics, and language classes for immigrants. ( This is revival leapt towards what the church was called to be, just as Jesus demonstrated when He came to seek and save the lost. In Mark 2:17 He says: Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners." I think all of us would agree that we long for Jesus’s return, we long for a spiritual awakening in our times, we long for revival but do we really understand what that means to us as individuals and as a church?
There are a number of calls from our Beloved back to His heart through scripture to be restored, revived, and renewed 2 Chronicles 7:14-16 NIV If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that My Name may be there forever. My eyes and My heart will always be there. Isn’t that an amazing invitation and promise from our “Maker”!! There are also calls in Joel 2:12-18, Haggai 1:5-13, Zechariah 1:3, Micah 7:18-19. The first century church also beautifully models what revival looks like in its early days. If we truly want to see our country and the world heal, it begins with His people, not the surrounding culture.
We at Encounter Ministry believe strongly that God is not finished with this generation!!! He has much more in His Heart for us which is why we work hard at creating events and opportunities for the larger church body to Encounter Him fresh and new in ways you may never have before. To encircle yourselves with others who have that same Holy discontent inside their hearts that A.B. Simpson had. To Engage with material that will challenge you or cause you to become just a bit more uncomfortable with the hopes it will inspire you to step out of your “comfort” zone and step into what your Beloved is inviting you to. To Embrace all that God has for us as we embrace and love on one another in the shared journey closer to His heart and being about His business as His people, as His church. To have not only anointed preaching but also anointed listening which transforms us.
Our ministry Kick off event is a matinee showing of the Jesus Revolution on September 29 at 2:30 which follows the stories of a few individuals God used in powerful ways as the movement was birthed and swept across the world. It is an exceptional movie that challenged me to reflect on who are the “outcasts” of today. Perhaps some of your loved ones would fall into this category and would they really, I mean really feel welcome in our church…I want to say yes…
Consider coming and bringing a friend…Learn about how revival can once again happen in our time. Discover the unique role the Holy Spirit plays in revival. Be stirred to passionately return to God with your whole heart, soul, mind and life. Live with a renewed hope of Jesus’ emanate return, and like our founder, perhaps we will be stirred to begin our own revolution.
We will have opportunity to have a brief time of reflection at the end of the movie with a few thought-provoking questions…I do look forward to seeing you…. Fondly, Melody
I have included a few links for your consideration...