For Our Partners: for personal growth, encounters with and empowerment and continual filling from the Spirit, refreshment when needed, wisdom for good work/life balance, strength in marriages and families, patience in language learning.
For/With Our Partnering Teams: unity amongst each other, and with the local believers they work with, commitment to healthy conflict management, wisdom/discernment, and creativity to pursue how the Lord leads, addition of future team members.
For the Work: God’s signs and wonders among the people in each location, for the Spirit to draw seekers to believers, for continued favor and access to places our partners are serving and for their reach to expand, traveling mercies to remote communities or anywhere really, encounters with people of peace (Luke 10:6).
For CAC: our hearts to be open to God’s leading and call to action, to be faithful supporters (prayerfully, financially, and with our time when possible).
*LRPGs are Least Reached People Groups
For more information on the LRPG's please click here